'Hope in the Heart of Hatred'

Available to order at thousands of outlets including Amazon.

84pp. In both paperback: ISBN 978-1-8382746-1-0
and hardback: ISBN 978-1-8382746-0-3

Hope in the Heart of Hatred (covers) by Peter Hague

Front and back covers with spine – read on…

Hope in the Heart of Hatred (front cover) by Peter Hague

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Hope in the Heart of Hatred (back cover) by Peter Hague
'Hope in the Heart of Hatred' is a short book of twenty-nine poems, all written between 1989 and 2003. These varied poems sit together well as a single work and present what I think is an excellent introduction to what is yet to come. It also contains some of my own 'subdued' photography from the passing years, not in support of any particular poem, but to add a ghosted ambience of my life in art. It is a pivotal book because it is born of a time when I had largely given up seeing the sun rise on my literary career. However, instead of giving up I gave myself to it as never before. My world at the time was full of mistrust, disappointment and disillusion. There was also a permeation of fear and hatred that seemed to seep into the actual framework of living. I even hated myself at times. Given all this and the spectre of periodic depression, I remained positive and to some extent I learnt to write my way out of dark situations – thus giving them a logical purpose. So this book, above all other considerations, is essentially about hope.
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'Hope in the Heart of Hatred'

  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred
  • Peter Hague – Hope in the Heart of Hatred

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Hope in the Heart of Hatred by Peter Hague
Hope in the Heart of Hatred by Peter Hague
Hope in the Heart of Hatred by Peter Hague
Hope in the Heart of Hatred by Peter Hague

All my books are equal in quality and their commitment to truth.

Play a recording of a poem from 'Hope in the Heart of Hatred'


"Peter Hague hits the nail on the head - time and time again. Summed up in three words - an Outstandingly Talented Gentleman."

Gary Pollard (poet)

“Hope in the Heart of Hatred” is the second book of poetry by Peter Hague that I have read. This poetry book is a collection of 29 poems that all carry the poet’s strong voice.

Hague writes powerfully through poetic images that convey the poet’s resilience, questioning, wistfulness, and humor. Hague’s questioning is not jaded, but rather the poet deeply examines choices and events as a means to reframe and hone wisdom from past experiences.

Hague’s poetic voice is a refreshing masculine presence that is approachable, intellectual, and most definitely not the voice of patriarchy. I find this poetry book to be refreshing. I really enjoy this poet’s writings! Additionally, the poet has included his photography that compliments and frames the poems in a lovely manner.

Highly recommend this poetry!

Wendy E. Slater (poet)

"Who needs a new mission now,
to creep inside this artist-heart?
We all know our stupid fate
with its discarded secrets and broken faith –
its huge amounts of apaphy and waste.”

Peter Hague – 'Hope in the Heart of Hatred'

84pp. Available in both paperback: ISBN 978-1-8382746-1-0
and hardback: ISBN 978-1-8382746-0-3

Available to order at thousands of outlets including Amazon.

© Peter Hague |
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Design and photography @2020 Peter Hague Concept – Design – Art Direction and
e-brink.co.uk Also peterhaguephotography.com